Nature as Divination Deck

Omens are everywhere in nature. Before tarot cards or runes, we knew how to read the oracle of the natural world. The pattern of the clouds. The bird you heard when you first woke up. The flower growing by your doorstep. The answers you need are already in the world around you. They’re simply waiting for you to…

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Contemplation as an Ancestral Skill

Years ago someone asked me a question that I’ve never forgotten. “In your ideal world, if you could get paid to do anything….what would you do?” I was still young when I was asked this, but my immediate answer was: “I’d get paid to walk outside in nature, to think, daydream and ponder.” To me, that sounded like…

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What Does this Spring Hold for You?

Lately, I’ve been waking up every morning to listen to the dawn chorus. The songbirds have returned—along with the flocks of spring flowers—and it’s thrilling, comforting, promising.  Every spring I find myself embracing a tender belief in new beginnings. The flowers open and the hope I’d nearly given up returns like the songbirds. There is newness on…

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You *are* the Oracle

Have you ever picked a tarot card only to have it confirm what you already knew? Or consulted an intuitive and realized that all you really needed was affirmation that you could trust what you were feeling? Looking back at all the major turning points in your life… can you sense the part of you…

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A Reading for 2023

Every winter, before the new year peeks over the hill, I take some time to tune into the Earth and ask… what’s coming up for us in this new year? I drop into my intuitive connection and the invisible wisdom we all have access to, and find out… What blessings can we expect? What challenges are here to help us grow? What guidance…

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The Forgotten Celtic Omen Days

I’ve always thought there was something special about the days between Christmas and the New Year. The weeks leading up to Solstice are, of course, full of magic—especially when the celebrations are steeped in the earth’s rhythms, herbcraft and mystical lore. But there’s a distinct magic to the week following. The days between Christmas and the start of the…

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