The Spirit Guide That Never Leaves You

It’s hard to do life alone. The toughest things I’ve been through were so painful, not just because of the challenges, but because of how alone I felt in meeting them. Since time immemorial humans have looked to wiser beings during hard times for companionship and support. Today, we often conceive of these guides as off-planet…

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What is your Earth Healing archetype?

You are utterly unique. On the day you came here, the pattern of the cosmos above you and the unweighable spark of your soul coalesced to send you like a shooting star into this world. A one-time event that brings with it a portend of great healing. You carry a gift within you. And…

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The Bravest Prayer

The other day I went for a walk up to the ridgeline. Sometimes I’m so lost in thought I barely notice the views around me, but this day I actually paused at the top. As I came out of my thought-filled haze, I realized just how far I could see. Out past our cove and for…

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A Reading for 2021

I remember when I started giving intuitive readings in my twenties. I had expected to receive direct messages, clear-cut answers to share with my clients. Instead, I saw storied metaphors. At first I was disappointed, but I soon came to realize that these metaphoric images helped me— and the person I was working with—…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Water Magic

The oldest magic on Earth never died. It’s still flowing down the hillsides, literally falling from the sky. Before humans worked with plants or stones, the first source of medicine was water. Across my ancestral lands— the British Isles and European continent— some of the oldest sites of worship are springs, uprisings from the Earth…

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Your Brokenness Makes You Whole

When I was a kid in the 90s yin-yang symbols were all the rage. From tee-shirts to posters, everyone was displaying yin-yangs. In Chinese philosophy the yin-yang symbol represents the duality present on Earth. The Yang of bright heat, fire, and action and the Yin of dark soil, water and patience. Together, the two…

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What Brings You Alive?

I had been walking for hours with a pack that was heavy as stones. My knees felt like they never wanted to bend again, and my toes had begun to bruise. Backpacking into the heart of the wilderness, at one point I took a wrong turn and ended up having to backtrack for miles….

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