The Slow Dark Enchantment

Real magic takes time… and a lot of it. Like crystals growing in the deep, the biggest miracles often form far beneath the surface, and need a long fertile stretch of darkness before they can come to light. When the possibility of magic is afoot we will often be asked to slow down so immensely…

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A Hymn for Optimism

I’m what you might call an “enthusiastic celebrator.” I can’t help it, I just get a kick out of life a lot of the time. I recently sent my friend a funny gif of Will Ferrell in Elf playing hopscotch with the white lines of a New York crosswalk and she immediately texted me…

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Journey to Santa

Artwork – “Fly Agaric” by Amanda Clark  This past week I had brunch with a dear friend. Over scones, she started talking about how difficult it is for her to get into the holiday spirit. As someone who grew up in a family that never celebrated this time, she shared that she is having…

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Dadirri Days

I have always felt happiest with long hours of quietude. Days spent in contemplation, doing small mindful things like winding yarn, watching shadows or gathering stones. Ever since I was a child I yearned for such inner imaginary time, silent moments of pause when I could reflect back on my day, my mood, my life,…

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Beloved: Dreams + Medicine

February is the only month in our calendar year when we are encouraged to not only celebrate, but explore love. It is a time of both recognition and seeking… and sometimes visionary revelation. Far beyond the commercialism of candy hearts, the sparks created by this fiery heart-centered holiday can be profound. It is…

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A Snow Globe, Shook

I was watching a cat, calico and sunning herself on the metal roof of our shed, when the weather suddenly shifted. One moment the light was grazing contentedly upon the emptied winter landscape and the next, the whole earth had clouded over with snow. Moody and feline, more than falling, the thick flurries raced…

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