Plant Communication

Plant Communication

Open a deeper dialogue with the plants around you. In this video we’ll explore how to start receiving profound insight and healing from these denizens of the green world. I’ll go over the three things that you’re gonna have to throw in the compost bin in order to starting communicating with plants. And lay out a step-by-step practice for opening a direct channel with a plant so that you can become aware of the most profound knowledge of all—what your own medicine is.

This lesson is a moving one. Even though I have watched this video many times, there is still a part where, without fail, I cry every single time. Can you guess when? (Just goes to show you that we all need reminders.)

Inquiring minds want to know… which plant did you choose (Or which plant chose you?). What did it tell you? Let me know in the comments below! What movements are you feeling inside you today?