Pussy Healing is Earth Healing


I’m passionate about earth healing. It is, in many ways, my reason for being. You’re here because, most likely, it’s part of your passion too. Somewhere deep in your heart, you know that you are here on this earth to help the healing. And that it starts with reconnection.

Over the past few weeks I’ve written a good bit about our pussies, our pelvises and our roots, and how this area of our body is deeply important for accessing our creativity and healing, our potential and power.

I created the pussy portal to help you reconnect into all those things and more. But I also created it because I knew, in my heart of hearts, that pussy healing is intimately intertwined with earth healing. They are, in fact, one in the same.

In truth, root healing is earth healing. Our roots, our pussies, our pelvises are the place where we literally connect to the land. They are the places where we enter onto this planet and they are, in many energy systems, what keeps us connected here. When we work on healing this part of ourselves, we heal our connection to the planet as a whole, and to our empowerment as earth healers.

The earth is our power source, it is where, like a lightning rod from the heavens, we ground. The earth is where we birth our babies, and care for our kin, and connect to our destiny. But we cannot do that unless we are truly connected to this place we call home. When we are disconnected from our pussies, we disconnect from the earth, and our very life force.

Ancient peoples knew this well. Even during the witch burning times, those accused of witchcraft were often carried to trial in baskets, so their feet wouldn’t touch the ground and be able to pull the power that lives there up into their bodies, into their roots. Even during this time of mass cultural insanity, people still recognized that we receive our magic from the earth.

It’s time for us to remember and reclaim this truth, by reconnecting to our roots.



Not coincidentally, our roots are also the areas of our bodies where we hold the most shame— shame has been used time and time again to disconnect us from our roots. How many of us have been shamed for the way our genitals looked? Shamed for our sexuality? Made fun of for our ecological leanings, reverence for nature or desire to hug a tree? Somewhere in the dark corners of history, through the rise of the failed experiment called patriarchy, there was an understanding that to cut someone off from a nourished relationship with their pussy, was to sever their connection to the inherent sovereignty, power and magic that the earth bestowed.

But we are in a moment where we are being asked to release the shame, so we can come back into relationship with ourselves, our roots, and our connection to this planet.

It is time to reestablish this relationship, and allow all the potency of the earth to flow up through you again, so you can be an agent of all the healing that is ready to come through.

For all of you who have had some discomfort with these blog posts in the past few weeks. Thank you. Thank you for staying with me. Thank you for doing this work. It matters. You matter.

Are now I invite you, if you are feeling the call, to come join us.

Come heal yourself and your root, and by doing so be a part of the great healing of our relationship to the earth. The portal is waiting for you.

The portal opening sale ends TOMORROW and will likely never be this inexpensive again so if you know this is for you, sign up now and maintain access to this portal (and it’s expanding library of resources) forever.