What Happened After my Book Came Out


For years I’ve watched other authors build up to the release of their books and wondered…. what happens after? 

What happens when the project you’ve poured your whole heart into finally arrives into the world? 

Now that my own book Mirrors in the Earth has come out, I can tell you.

A few books arrived a day early, I got a smattering of texts from far away friends. Most arrived right on time, and the deluge of messages and posts with the #mirrorsintheearth hashtag made for days of dizzy joy.

Some books have yet to find their way to their respective postboxes— the first print run of the book sold out immediately (don’t worry, we’re on the third print run now!)

I had no problem sleeping the night before the book came out, but then had insomnia for days later that week. The excitement had accumulated like a drift of summer berries and suddenly I couldn’t keep up.

A dream had come true. And yet, life also continued.



I spent countless hours sitting in a dark room nursing my five-month-old as she awoke from sleep. I filled the cat’s bowl up with food and clipped calendula flowers to add to the drying racks.

I signed books at my local bookstore and had a release party with friends who I haven’t seen in over two years. And then I spent days afterwards in my bathrobe, rocking my baby as she sprouted her first tooth.

In the end, I think what I’m most in awe of is this— the mundane amazement of such big moments. The newness and familiarity twined together to create something tactile with life.

It’s been two whole weeks since Mirrors in the Earth came out. In a lot of ways releasing a book is a much quieter process than you might imagine, so one of my greatest joys has been to watch your reviews come in.

Like this comment I got on Amazon the other day:



I know a lot of authors don’t read reviews. But I do. In part because it helps me feel closer to you. Like we’re both walking down the grass-rubbed paths of our lives, different, but right next to each other as we step towards what waits for us.

Has Mirrors in the Earth touched you? Have you started reading and saw yourself in the pages? It would mean the world to me if you left a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Reviews can go such a long way to help people feel seen, heard and welcomed into an experience of a book.

Your reflection on Mirrors in the Earth is a gift that ripples out healing in its wake. I’m so grateful for it, and all the gifts you bring to this world.

Thank you for being with me on this wild, extraordinary, and entirely ordinary last few weeks of my life!

P.S. In my heart we were at this party celebrating together. Check out the video below for a peek into the Mirrors in the Earth release party.


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