Your Business is your Spirit Guide


The early morning frost crunched underfoot as I climbed up the hill. I puffed past the sleeping rhododendrons until I reached the overlook. Every morning I came up here—jacket slung over my nightgown— to speak my gratitudes aloud before I started my day. This particular morning my stomach was churning. Today, I was officially headed to the government building in town to apply for my business permit. Today, One Willow Apothecaries was going to become a reality. My whole being buzzed with excitement and nervousness. I didn’t know it at the time, but I wasn’t just giving gratitude for the start of a new venture. It was the start of a whole new relationship.

Our businesses are our spirit guides. They aren’t just something we create, but something that creates, and shapes, us. On that bright cold morning over a decade ago I had no idea that when I turned in my permit at the pine-scented office in town, I was signing a contract to work with one of the most profound spiritual teachers— my business.

The journey was choppy at first. In those early days I used the laundry room as my office, shipping orders until after midnight before trailing packing tissue on my socks into bed. It wasn’t until I started really listening to the deep lessons my business was trying to teach me— including what my true gifts were and who I was here to become— that the struggle turned into soulful clarity. In the process, I actually began to make a living doing the things I loved and eventually brought in a whole team of people who felt like they that had the job of their dreams as well.

It took me a long time to figure out how to create a truly spirit-led business. One that radiates wellbeing on every level— financially, creatively and spiritually. But it doesn’t have to take you that long.

If you have a business, or know that 2022 is the year that you’re ready to start one, check out my new video: Your Business is Your Spirit Guide. In the video I share the three things that my business has taught me over the years that ended up being the missing pieces in fulfilling my life’s blueprint.



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Everyone is here for a reason. In your clearest moments, you can feel it as viscerally as the warmth of the winter sun on your skin. If your heart keeps telling you it’s time to start your business— trust it. This voice is coming from a guide who is ready to help you step into the healing you’re meant to bring to the world. 

Your business will show you the path that has been waiting for you, and have your life really begin.

If this is the year that you’re ready to see the business of your dreams become a reality, come join me for Business as a Spiritual Journey. The course was specifically designed to help all my fellow empaths and highly sensitives create the business their soul is here to build.

The course is on sale until January 10th so, if you’re hearing the call, come start the journey.