
Your Life can Always Start Again

The other day I saw a miracle. To explain the miracle, though, I need to take you back to last year… One night, late last summer, a humongous windstorm ripped across the spine of our mountain. The next day I was walking my favorite trail to the ridge when I turned the corner and stopped…

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Learning Requires Destruction

Before I had my daughter, I’d daydream about showing her the green world. I couldn’t wait to teach her how to smell snowdrops or touch the lilacs so their petals fell like rain. I wanted to introduce her to the world of wonders that is the moss, the leaves, the earth. So I was excited when…

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Opening your Doors Again

Last week I opened the doors to my house. It was a glorious early spring day, the hillsides were bursting with daffodils and a robin was singing, singing from a nearby tree.  I’d opened the doors in winter, of course, but always in a hurried manner, holding them for a second while I hauled wood in from…

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Are you on the threshold?

I walked up to the stone threshold and just stood there. The old tower was at the top of a green-lit hill, rising clear into the sky like a standing stone. As I approached the entrance, the wind kicked up. It voomed past me and through the open doorway.  I paused. Beyond the doorway, across the dark…

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You’re Allowed to Change

I’m not the same person I was last year.  You probably aren’t the same person you were last year either. As humans, we’re always evolving, changing, growing deeper into who we truly are. It’s one of the most magnificent things about being alive. But when it came to my business, this used to make me nervous. All the business advice…

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Most Beloved Blogposts

What your Favorite Flower Says About You

I hadn’t stepped foot outside in weeks. Freshly post-partum, I’d been nestled in bed since my daughter’s birth. Since that time we’d already seen several snows, and at least one night when our pipes froze solid, but today the sun was shining. Today, the first daffodils were blooming, and every fiber of my body was yearning…

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The Plants are Holding You

We are in the full tilt of summer here and the trees around my house have filled in the cove surrounding me, turning my stilted home into a kind of bassinet in the grove. In the winds of a thunderstorm my house rocks, ever-so-slightly, and when the wind moves through the leaves it is…

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When Violets Speak

I first moved to these mountains in spring. Early spring, when things are still raw with beginning. It felt fitting. I had left behind my entire life in New York City— my relationship, my community and career— to start anew in Appalachia. I brought only what would fit into my car, leaving space for…

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